Full Speed v3.3

Aug 26

Full Speed v3.3
High Speed Internet Performance Booster and Speed Tests.
(Win 2000, XP and Vista)

What's in Full Speed software?

1. 'One click and you're done' Internet Booster. With one click Full Speed software will optimize and safely boost Windows, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox for a guaranteed faster Internet experience.
2. Excellent Web browsing and Data speed tests and 3rd party independent speed tests. See improvements instantly.
3. Undo option to go back to original settings; if you really want to!
4. Print and/or save to file test results for before and after speed comparisons.
5. Pro Booster button.
6. Help Tips and Live Help.
7. Very easy to understand and use. Nothing to learn or read.
8. No technical knowledge needed, no questions, no contracts, no memberships, no subscriptions, no ads, no spy-ware, no viruses...

Instantly Get:

1. Overall faster high speed Internet
2. Faster download speeds
3. Faster web site browsing
4. Improve Internet and Intranet performance
5. Quicker download times
6. Smoother streaming music and movies
7. Faster download for songs and video
8. Faster performance with email
9. Faster loading Web graphics
10. Faster loading Web pages
11. Faster Internet Explorer
12. Speed test for Web site browsing
13. Speed test for general data transfer
14. Works for businesses or home users
15. Improved VPN and WAN performance
16. Increased peak download speed
17. More consistent data transfer
18. Better data flow efficiency
19. Fewer corrupt downloads
20. Works over networks
21. Works with all ADSL/DSL modems and routers
22. Works over wireless
23. Smoother surfing

Beware Facebook and MySpace user

Aug 20

New worms target both MySpace and Facebook users

Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content management systems, has detected two variants of a new worm, Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.a. and Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.b, which attack MySpace and Facebook respectively. As part of their malicious payload, the worms transform victim machines into zombie computers to form botnets.

Even though the worms are currently only infecting MySpace and Facebook users, Kaspersky Lab analysts are warning users that the worms are designed to upload additional malicious modules with other functionality via the Internet. It is highly probable that victim machines will not only be used for spreading links via these social networking sites, but the botnets will also be used for other malicious purposes.

Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.a spreads when a user accesses his/her MySpace account. The worm creates a range of commentaries to friends' accounts. Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.b, which targets Facebook users, creates spam messages and sends them to the infected users' friends via the Facebook site. The messages and comments include texts such as Paris Hilton Tosses Dwarf On The Street; Examiners Caught Downloading Grades From The Internet; Hello; You must see it!!! LOL. My friend catched you on hidden cam; Is it really celebrity? Funny Moments and many others.

Messages and comments on MySpace and Facebook include links to http://youtube.[skip].pl. If the user clicks on this link, s/he is redirected to http://youtube.[skip].ru, a site which purportedly contains a video clip. If the user tries to watch it, a message appears saying that s/he needs the latest version of Flash Player in order to watch the clip. However, instead of the latest version of Flash Player, a file called codecsetup.exe is downloaded to the victim machine; this file is also a network worm. The result is that users who have come to the site via Facebook will have the MySpace worm downloaded to their machines, and vice versa.

“Unfortunately, users are very trusting of messages left by 'friends' on social networking sites. So the likelihood of a user clicking on a link like this is very high”, says Alexander Gostev, Senior Virus Analyst at Kaspersky Lab. “At the beginning of 2008 we predicted that we'd see an increase in cybercriminals exploiting MySpace, Facebook and similar sites, and we're now seeing evidence of this. I'm sure that this is simply the first step, and that virus writers will continue to target these resources with increased intensity”.

Kaspersky Internet Security detected these threats proactively and signatures were added to the database on July 31, 2008.

Lama tidak menjengah..

Aug 16

rasanya lama sungguh aku xupdate blog nie, dengan kesibukan dan pertukaran department banyak menggurangkan kelancaran aku untuk berblog..rasa byk cerita nk letak dlm ni..
Tapi sekarang aku rasa sudah tiba masa utnuk aku kembali...rindu utk berblog..

Aku sekarang agak sibuk dengan kerja baru, agak pelik pada mulanya, mengkaji sesuatu produk hanya berpandukan nota..huh..memang agak sukar pada mulanya..seperti mula-mula study diploma dahulu...

Aku harap Allah memudahkan aku untuk berpikir, yela dah lama xmembaca.agak slow juga enjin aku nk mula..harap aku akan menjadi suka dgn kerja2 aku ini..rasanya aku dah mula suka.....hehe..

Pada hari rabu lalu aku terima panggilan dari sepupu aku mengatakan rakan sepermainan kami meninngal dunia...mmg ngeri aku mendengarnya..jatuh dari bot dan digilis enjin bot...sedih aku mendengarnya, hanya al-fatihah sja dpt di beri dari jauh... Moga-moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat..amen...

Aku berharap hidupku di permudahkan perjalannya..


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