Tag by Ady...
Here are mytag rules:
The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
Each player answers the questions about themselves
At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog…
Starting time: 10 am
Name: Khairul Azman A.K.A Killroy
Sister(s): 0
Brother(s): 0
Shoe size: 9
Height: 175 cm
Where do you live: Pee Jay 4 this time
Have you ever been on a plane: Nope
Swam in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep at school: Nope
Broken someone’s heart: Many.
Fell off your chair: Yes(member tarik kerusi)
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: nope
Saved e-mails: Yes
What is your room like: 3 people sharing my room..
What’s right beside you: my friend Hafiz..
What is the last thing you ate: Murtabak.
Ever had…
Chicken pox: Nope
Sore throat: Yes
Stitches: Yes
Broken nose: Nope
Do you…
Believe in love at first sight: Yeah baby.
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with: My cousin Haikal..
Last made you smile: UiTM staff..
You last yelled at: Haikal my cousin..
Today did you…
Talk to someone you like: Yes
Get sick: My Knee..
Miss someone: Yes(my family n my fiancé)…
Did you ever…
Kissed anyone: My mom n Dad..
Talk to an ex: Nope..
Miss your ex: Maybe...
Who do you really hate: People that hate me..
Do you like your hand-writing: Yes..
Are your toe nails painted: Nope...
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Nope…
What color shirt are you wearing now: Blue(GiTN t-shirt)
Are you a friendly person: Yes
Do you have any pets: 4 Cats
Do you sleep with the TV on: Some time
What are you doing right now: calling Answering tag by ady..
Can you handle the truth: Yes
Are you closer to your mother or father: Yes..
Do you eat healthy: Maybe..
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Yes, but my fiancé keep it...
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: My mom..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Quiet
Are you confident: Always confident on myself..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Study At SMK Simpang..
2. Playing PSone..
3. Playing rugby 4 my school..
4. Find girlfriend..
5. Hiking mountain …
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Buy very beautiful car.. (Ferrari maybe)
2. Buy exclusive apartment..
3. Get married..
4. Make my family happy with their live.
5. Make investment for my kids..
5 of my bad habits
1. Stomp door when resent..
2. Sulky when people-not serve..
3. Like resent when people not hearsay..
4. Like to tease people especially my fiancé and my mother..
5. Like to argue people
5 places I’ve lived/living
1. Taman Kota Jaya(Simpang)
2. Kampung Batu Tegoh (Simpang)
3. Shahab Perdana Kedah
4. Kg Dato Harun(PJ)
5. Mohd Rudwan house (PJ)
5 people I tag
1- Aum- frequent in bullying by wan and ady..
2- Rudwan-frequent partner I stir his sleep time(hahaha)
3- Ady-friend that difficult to be gussed his character
4- Nope 4 this time
5- Nope 4 this time
Monday, November 24, 2008
My Blog Archive
How About Them?
Contoh Soalan Psikometrik PTD20 hours ago
Pada Garis Takdir2 years ago
脱毛サロンにおけるアフターケア5 years ago
Hello Blog. Babai Facebook!10 years ago
Korban, Berkorban @ Terkorban..11 years ago
E-Cigarettes: The Bagga Brass V1.5 by Wu Tang11 years ago
Ulang tahun kelahiran...12 years ago
Ahad Yang Bosan...14 years ago
Selamat tinggal sayang.....15 years ago
Memencilkan diri...15 years ago
vBLOG Hot FM15 years ago
Disclaimer15 years ago
My Allied
KillroyLive Chat Box
Killroy Think..
- killr0yLive
- PJ, Selangor, Malaysia
- A true friend respects you for who you are.they won't expect you to change or do things differently just to please them..
"Aum- frequent in bullying by wan and ady.."
Aku ni selalu kene buli ke??? aku x rase mcm tu pn..hehehe..
tp aku, ady n kerol rs ko slu kna buli..hehehehe...
sorry... aku tak pena rase aum lagi... tak tau la plak ko ngan kerol pena rasa dia, wan...
Ish2...ape2 je lah korg ni...
The last person you danced with: My cousin Haikal..
--> sapekah gerangannya Haikal itu ??
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Yes, but my fiance keep it...
--> tunang ko simpan gambar ko ngan ex ?? isk.. isk..
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
2. Buy exclusive apartment..
--> luxury la... exclusive nak watpe ??
5 of my bad habits:
2. Sulky when people-not serve..
--> sulking la... tp, nape ko nak merajuk bile orang len tak dilayan ek ?
5 people I tag:
2- Rudwan-frequent partner I stir his sleep time(hahaha)
--> usual partner la... kenape ko bancuh mase mimpi wan ?? ko ingat kopi ? teh ??
--> sapekah gerangannya Haikal itu ??
sepupu aku yg mak aku jaga..
--> luxury la... exclusive nak watpe ??
exclusive xleh ke?aku nk apartment exclusive xkn xleh kot?xkan keta je yg exclusive?
--> sulking la... tp, nape ko nak merajuk bile orang len tak dilayan ek ?
Dah tabiat aku mcm 2, ko kena terima la...bi aku xpower mcm ko lagi..masih dok blaja nk kac power..
--> usual partner la... kenape ko bancuh mase mimpi wan ?? ko ingat kopi ? teh ??
aku nk ubah ayat skit usual org slalu guna..ada masalah ke?'stir'
sama maksud dengan kacau.
subhanallah..aku x ke thap 2..
Panjang bebeno komen si Addy ni...ada je modal dia..hehehe
--> Haikal:
ko nie cm wan lak... mesti haikal tue budak kecik lagi kan ?? pedofil betul la korunk b2 nie...
--> luxury vs exclusive:
xde manenye ade apartment exclusive tue... kalo apartment, org panggil luxury... jgn samekan ngan kreta...
--> sulking:
sebab aku tau ko tak power la, aku tolong betulkan.. kasi ko tau..
--> usual partner vs stir:
xde manenya org gune frequent untuk jenis ayat ko... stir lak guna untuk benda yg berair je...
kalo ayat ko nie, kena guna disturb... ke memang ko nie kaco air wan nie ?? ahaks... (maaf, utk 18sx sahaja)...
--> luxury vs exclusive:
xde manenye ade apartment exclusive tue... kalo apartment, org panggil luxury... jgn samekan ngan kreta...
aku penah tgk ayat ni kat iklan surat khabar sbb 2 aku guna ayat 2...
--> sulking:
sebab aku tau ko tak power la, aku tolong betulkan.. kasi ko tau..
Thnx sbb ni..arigato...
xde manenya org gune frequent untuk jenis ayat ko... stir lak guna untuk benda yg berair je...
kalo ayat ko nie, kena guna disturb... ke memang ko nie kaco air wan nie ?? ahaks... (maaf, utk 18sx sahaja)...
aku ada tgk filem apa aku lupa..tapi ni ayat kuar dari mulut pelakon 2..
'Please dont stir people around you'
filem yg ko nengok tue, ayat tingkat tinggi... belum layak lagi untuk ko...
ok la 2 aku leh adaptasikn dari movie..xsia2 aku tgk movie..dapat sikit ilmu..:-)
bagus.. bagus...
amalkan selalu... boleh aku gelak slalu... huhuhu...
ok la 2...menghiburkn rakan sekerja...:-)
aku ngan kerol pecinta kanak2..ske lyn kanak2..sb kanak2 leh hburkn ati ktorg..cbe tye aum, die ske kanak2 x??
setahu aku aum mempunyai ciri kebapaan dah..
aku perasan time kita g kursus kat avp gombak dulu..aku doakan aum cpt kawin..hehhe..
Hahaha...Kyrol dah jd ahli nujum la pulak...
Wan jd pn cinta kanak2..(tp aku tgk dia slalu je mrh2 ank buah dia??? ape crite??)...
Addy nk jd audit DBP agknye...hehehe
ape yg aku nak audit kt cinta2 & jiwangers2 korunk nie ek ??? huhuhu...
aum, ko pnh tgk ke aku mrh anak buah aku??ble ko nmpak??sthu aku ko dtg rmh aku time anak buah aku xde kt rmh..cmne 2??
eh da la tue korunk...
nak crite pasal anak la, pasal buah la plak korunk nie... cukup.. cukup tue..
Hahaha..Nasib la ko Addy...wan dah bukak topic ni...sbr la eh...
Wan, aku dgr ko jgk yg crite..klo ujung mggu, tnsion ank sdra ko ada kat umah...tul x?
ble ms aku cerita??ank buah aku slu xde kt rmh aku hjug mgu..
Ade je...dulu ko kn keje mlm...siang nk tdo, tp ank sdra ko bsing2...
Ko pn ada ckp ank sdra ko ada yg tkut tgk ko...hehehe..tul x??
nie ape nie, nak crite pasal anak sedara plak ?? hah !! sape lagi nak promote anak sedara, anak buah, anak ikan kt sini ??? promote cepat...
Hahaha...Addy xde nk d promote kn ke???hehehe
aku takde la nak men ber'anak-anak' nie... x layak lagi...
Kategori or ciri mereka yg lyk tu mcm ne???
ade salah satu dari tiga;
- da kawin @ da nak kawin
- sgt suke men ngan kanak-kanak nie
- lebih byk kawan ngan budak2 dr kawan sebaya...
ady leh men ngan anak2 nie..bdk ngis ms kte g pgkor 2 pn die da bsig..hehehe...
knape ko rase aku leh men ngan anak2 lak kalo cmtue ?? budak tue buat bingit telinga aku pepagi buta tue...
Ko kene sbr ye Addy...
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