SDFix Instructions
SDFix Instructions:
SDFix Download Link
Confirm that the file SDFix.exe now resides on your desktop, but do not double-click on the icon as of yet. We will use it in later steps. The icon will look like the one below:
Then press the OK button.
If you want to continue, please press the Y key on your keyboard and then press enter. Otherwise, you can press the N key to exit the program.
This process can take a while, so you may want to do something else and periodically check back on the status of SDFix. As the scanning process continues you will continue to see new messages on the screen as shown in the figure below.
At this point you should press any key on your computer's keyboard in order to restart the computer.
At this point you should press any key on your computer's keyboard in order to continue to your desktop.
Review the log as necessary to see what was removed and then close the Notepad window.
Now that SDFix has finished running, any Worms or Trojans that it knows how to remove should have been deleted from your computer.
Friday, March 13, 2009
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