SDFix Instructions

SDFix Instructions:

  1. Please print these instructions as they will be needed later when Internet accessis not available.

  2. Logon to your computer with an account that has Administrator privileges.

  3. Download SDFix.exe from the following link and save it to your desktop:

    SDFix Download Link

    Confirm that the file SDFix.exe now resides on your desktop, but do not double-click on the icon as of yet. We will use it in later steps. The icon will look like the one below:

    SDFix Icon

  4. Now, double-click on the SDFix icon that should now be residing on your desktop. If a Open File - Security Warning box opens, click on the Run button.

  5. A window will now open showing SDFix being extracted into the C:\SDFix folder. Once the installation program has finished extracting SDFix, it will open a Notepad with further instructions as shown below.

    SDFix Install Screen

  6. Next, please reboot your computer into Safe Mode by doing the following:

    1. Restart your computer

    2. After hearing your computer beep once during startup, but before the Windows icon appears, press F8.

    3. Instead of Windows loading as normal, a menu should appear

    4. Select the first option, to run Windows in Safe Mode.

    5. When you are at the logon prompt, log in as the same user that you had performed the previous steps as.

  7. When your computer has started in safe mode, and you see the desktop, close all open Windows.

  8. Click on the Start button, click on the Run menu option, and type the following into the Open: field:


    Then press the OK button.

  9. The SDFix window will open, as shown below, containing some brief info and a disclaimer on the use of the tool.

    SDFix Disclaimer

    If you want to continue, please press the Y key on your keyboard and then press enter. Otherwise, you can press the N key to exit the program.

  10. SDFix will now start scanning your computer for known infections as seen in the image below.

    SDFix Scanning

    This process can take a while, so you may want to do something else and periodically check back on the status of SDFix. As the scanning process continues you will continue to see new messages on the screen as shown in the figure below.

    SDFix Scanning #2

  11. When the scanning process has finished you will see a new screen stating that you need to restart your computer in order to continue.

    SDFix Restart Prompt

    At this point you should press any key on your computer's keyboard in order to restart the computer.

  12. After your computer reboots SDFix will automatically start and perform a last check.

    SDFix Finished

  13. You will now be presented with a screen stating that SDFix has finished.

    SDFix Finished

    At this point you should press any key on your computer's keyboard in order to continue to your desktop.

  14. When you are back at your Windows desktop, the SDFix log will automatically be opened in notepad.

    SDFix Log

    Review the log as necessary to see what was removed and then close the Notepad window.

Now that SDFix has finished running, any Worms or Trojans that it knows how to remove should have been deleted from your computer.


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