Salam Maal Hijrah
Assalamualaikum semua...disini aku mengucapkn selamat tahun baru pada seluruh umat islam..
aku harapkan tahun baru ini aku lebih tabah dalam mengharungi segala rintangan dan dugaan yg melanda..aku juga berdoa agar di buka pintu hati ku ini utk mengerjakan amal ibadat dgn lebih baik lagi.. semoga pada tahun baru nnt aku lebih matang dalam membuat keputusan, dan pertuturan ku lebih teratur dalam mengatakan sesuatu..jika aku ada salah dan silap harap dimaafkn..aku ni hanya insan biasa xlari dari melakukan kesilapan..
Amin ya rabbal alamin
Sunday, December 28, 2008 | Labels: mumbling | 1 Comments
1 year anniversary
Byk jgk pengalaman pahit dan manis aku kat GiTN..
Aku harap aku dapat meningkatkn kualiti kerja aku lepas ni..
Ramai kawan aku dapat kat GiTN ni..aku xtahu nk cerita apa pasal syarikat aku ni..
aku just harap dapat terus berkerja di GiTN dan dpata belajar benda baru..
kadang² bosan jgk asik buat benda sama je..rakan² yg seintake gn aku pn dah xramai..
yg tinggal aku, ady dan ija je..yg lain gugur di medan GiTn..(kena buang dan dapat kerja lain)kah kah kah...
Pasni membe yg slalu hangout gn aku pn dah nk calo..2 org lak 2..huk huk...sedih bercampur gembira aku..sedih kerna pasni susah sgt aku nk jumpa diaorg...
gembira sbb diaorg dapat memajukan diri dlm bidang lain.
aku je yg terperuk kat GiTN ni..iks mengomel lak..
patutnya aku syukur dapat kerja, ramai lagi yg kat luar sana yg xda kerja..astrafirullahallazim...
alhamdulillah syukur aku di kurniakn kerja ni...aku berharap aku akan lebih tabah mengharungi mungkin setahun lagi di GiTN(klu xkena buang)...
Friday, December 26, 2008 | Labels: mumbling | 3 Comments
ComboFix adalah sebuah program, dicipta oleh sUBs, meneliti itu komputer anda untuk mengenal malware dan bila terjumpa, cubaan-cubaan untuk membersih jangkitan secara automatik akan dilaksanakn. ComboFix juga mempamerkan log apabila ia selesai scaninig yang mengandungi maklumat tentang malware yg berada dlm pc dan membuang jangkitan yang secara automatik.
malas lak nk translate copy paste je la cara² dia..
Using ComboFix
If you need help with malware removal, then please create a topic at one of the forums listed later in the guide and ask for help. As many forums will request a ComboFix log only if they feel it is necessary, you should not run ComboFix until you are asked to by a helper. Please note that each forum has different policies, so please be sure to read any pinned topics and rules for the particular forum about how you should go about receiving help. If a ComboFix log has been requested by a helper then please do so by following the instructions below.
The first thing you should do is print out this guide as we will close all the open windows and programs, including your web browser, before starting the ComboFix program.
Next you should download ComboFix from one of the following URLs:
To download ComboFix, simply left-click on one of the links above and if you are using Internet Explorer, you will see a prompt similar to the figure below.
Download ComboFix Prompt
Click on the Save button and then when it asks you where to save it, make sure you save it directly to your Windows Desktop. An image showing this is below.
Downloading ComboFix to the Desktop
When you have the Save as screen configured to save ComboFix.exe to the Desktop, click on the Save button. ComboFix will now start downloading to your computer. If you are on a dialup, this may take a few minutes. When ComboFix has finished downloading you will now see an icon on your desktop similar to the one below.
ComboFix Icon
For now, do not start ComboFix as there are a few more steps that need to be done first.
You should now install the Windows Recovery Console. The Windows recovery console will allow you to boot up into a special recovery mode that allows us to help you in the case that your computer has a problem after an attempted removal of malware. If you use Windows
If you use Windows XP and do not have the Windows CD, ComboFix includes a method of installing the Windows Recovery console by downloading a file from Microsoft. To install the Windows Recovery Console when you do not have the Windows XP CD, please follow these instructions:
- Click on the following link to go to Microsoft's Web site:
- At that page, scroll down and click on the appropriate download for your version of Windows XP (Home or Professional) and the service pack level that you have installed. When you click on the link to download the file, make sure you save it directly to your desktop. If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3), then select the Service Pack 2 download. If you are using Windows XP Media Center, then you should select the Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 download. If you are unsure what version of Windows you have and what Service Pack is installed, you can follow these instructions to gain that information.
- Click on the Start button.
- Click on the Run menu option.
- In the Open: field type the following: sysdm.cpl and then click on the OK button.
- A screen will appear showing information about your installation. Under the System: category you should see your Windows version and the installed Service Pack. When you are done determining this information continue with Step 2.
- Click on the Start button.
- Once the Microsoft file has finished downloading, you should drag it on top of the ComboFix icon and let your mouse button go. This is shown in the following image.
- ComboFix will now automatically install the Windows Recovery Console onto your computer, which will show up as a new option when booting up your computer. Do not select the Windows Recovery Console option when you start your computer unless requested to by a helper.
Once the Windows Recovery Console has finished installed, ComboFix will open a prompt stating that it was installed and asking if you would like to proceed with scanning your computer. If you wish to continue, then press the Yes button and continue reading the tutorial from here. Otherwise, please continue with the rest of the tutorial below.
We are almost ready to start ComboFix, but before we do so, we need to take some preventative measures so that there are no conflicts with other programs when running ComboFix. At this point you should do the following:
- Close all open Windows including this one.
- Close or disable all running Antivirus, Antispyware, and Firewall programs as they may interfere with the proper running of ComboFix. Instructions on disabling these type of programs can be found in this topic.
Once these two steps have been completed, double-click on the ComboFix icon found on your desktop. Please note, that once you start ComboFix you should not click anywhere on the ComboFix window as it can cause the program to stall. In fact, when ComboFix is running, do not touch your computer at all and just take a break as it may take a while for it to complete.
Once you double-click on the icon, you may see a screen similar to the one below.
Windows Open File Security Warning
Windows is issuing this prompt because ComboFix does not have a digital signature. This is perfectly normal and safe and you can click on the Run button to continue. If you are using Windows Vista, and receive UAC prompt asking if you would like to continue running the program, you should press the Continue button.
You will now see the first ComboFix screen as shown below.
ComboFix is Preparing to Run
ComboFix is now preparing to run and when it has finished you will see the Disclaimer screen shown below.
ComboFix Disclaimer
If you do not agree to the disclaimer, then click on the No button to exit the program. Otherwise, to continue you should press the Yes button to continue. If you decided to continue, then ComboFix will create a System Restore point so that if any problems occur while using the program you can restore back to your previous configuration. When ComboFix has finished creating the restore point, it will then backup your Windows Registry as shown in the image below.
ComboFix is backing up the Windows Registry
Once the Windows Registry has finished being backed up, you may now see the below message box.
ComboFix Recovery Console
If you see this box, please click on the Yes button in order for ComboFix to continue. ComboFix will now complete the Recovery Console process and then display a message box stating that you need to press Yes at the next screen. Press the OK button to continue and then at the next screen, which contains a license screen, press the Yes button and a new screen will appear.
ComboFix Recovery Console Finished
Now that the Recovery Console has finished installing, press the Yes button to continue. ComboFix will now disconnect your computer from the Internet. Therefore, do not be surprised or concerned if you receive any warnings stating that you are no longer on the Internet as your connection will be completely restored at a later stage in the program.
ComboFix will now start scanning your computer for known infections. This procedure can take some time, so please be patient.
ComboFix is scanning the computer for infections
While the program is scanning your computer, it will change your clock format, so do not be concerned when you see this happen. When ComboFix is finished it will restore your clock settings to what they were previously. You will also see the text in the ComboFix window being updated as it goes through the various stages of its scan. An example of this can be seen below.
Stages of the ComboFix AutoScan
At the time of this writing there are a total of 41 stages as shown in the image below, so please be patient. The amount of stages will go up as time goes on, so if the amount of stages is different when you run it, please do not be concerned.
41st Stage of the ComboFix AutoScan
When ComboFix has finished running, you will see a screen stating that it is preparing the log report as shown below.
ComboFix is preparing the log report
This can take a while, so please be patient. If you see your Windows desktop disappear, do not worry. This is normal and ComboFix will restore your desktop before it is finished. Eventually you will see a new screen that states the program is almost finished and telling you the programs log file, or report, will be located at C:\ComboFix.txt. This can be seen in the image below.
ComboFix is almost done!
When ComboFix has finished, it will automatically close the program and change your clock back to its original format. It will then display the log file automatically for you as shown below.
ComboFix Log File
You should now post this log as a reply to the topic where you were asked to run combofix. Your helper will now analyze this log and let you know what they would like you to do next. If you having problems connecting to the Internet after running Combofix, then please see this section.
It is possible that ComboFix, even on its first run, may have fixed the problems you are having. We strongly suggest that you still post your log into the topic that you are receiving help as you most likely will have infections left over that your helper will need to analyze further.
-xyah anta logfile pn xpa..
-aku pas guna ni pc ok je..
Friday, December 26, 2008 | Labels: Tools | 0 Comments
Anugerah dari Bunga nun jauh disana..
Thnx bunga kaci award sahabat ni..moga kita trus bersahabat walaupn dalam blog..
Thnx again bunga..may God bless u..
Monday, December 22, 2008 | Labels: Award | 8 Comments
Tag By Aum
RULE 1: You being TAG!!!; you GOTTA take it.
RULE 2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING
unless someone comment you and ask.
Q1: Like someone?
=> Yes..
Q2: Kissed someone?
=> Yes..
Q3: Been arrested?
Q4: Been searched?
=> maybe..
Q5: You hate someone?
=> Yes
Q6: Been suspended from school?
=> No
Q7: Sat on a roof top?
=> No..
Q8: Broken a bone?
Q9: Have shaved your head?
=> Yes..
Q1 : Gym membership?
=> Yes..
Q2: Shot a gun?
=> No..
Q3: Donated Blood?
=> Many times..
1 You hang out with?
=> Zawani My olg skoolmate..
2 Last person that you texted?
=> Miego..
3 You were in a car with?
=> Ady and Wan..
4 Went to the mall with?
=> Ezabarina(report)..
5 Went to the restaurant with?
=> Zawani My olg skoolmate..
6 Person you talked on the phone with?
=> Norliza Bte Abd Rashid(my fiancé)
7 Person that called you?
=> Miego(reporting pc problem)..
9 You miss?
=> My family and my fiance
10 You hugged?
=> My pa n ma..
Which one?
1 Eat or drink?
=> Drink
2 Be serious or be funny?
=> Funny
3 Drink whole milk or skimmed milk?
=> Whole milk
4 Die in a fire or die getting shot?
=> Getting shot
5 Go to the bar or to the beach
=> Beach
1 Sun or moon?
=> moon
2 Winter or fall?
=> winter
3 Left or right?
=> Right
4 Black and white or colored?
=> Black n white
5 Where do you live?
=> PJ
6 Do you wanna get married?
=> Of course yes..
7 What is on your mind?
=> Pillow
1 Kissed someone?
=> No
2 Been hugged by someone?
=> No
3 Been teased by someone?
=> No
1 No
2 No!!
3 I said no!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | Labels: mumbling | 15 Comments
Seronok rasanya di ofis baru..
Seriously ini 1st time aku jumpa dia face 2 face..So peluang ni aku guna utk cam muka dia..
En Shah namanya(diperkenalkn dgn nama ini)..dekat 2 jam jugak la...byk mewartakan utk meningkatkn produktiviti utk mencapai target syarikat..fuh terasa penting pula aku utk company pas aku dgr dia pny penerangan. tapi klu untung byk pn aku bkn dapat bonus pn mcm staf² permenant..maklumlah, staf leasing je..Tp kena kerja gak klu xmana mau dapat gaji..huhu..
Selepas habis 'Wakeup Call' aku g mkn dgn kawan lama aku Ija dan Han, xlupa aku bwk Wan(ady g meeting, aum balik kampung).
Pas abis je makan aku naik opis baru..mula² rasa xselesa pn ada tapi bila dapat menyesuaikn diri, rasa best la plak..Huhu baru rasa ada opis..hehe..lama jugak aku lepak mula² igt nk lepak kejap je, alih siap main game lagi..membe² pn sempoi walau ada department lain dalam opis ni..
So disimpulkan di sini aku mmg suka opis baru ni..mungkin utk masa ni je, tp kita tgkla mcmna nnt ye kwn²..
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | Labels: mumbling | 30 Comments
GVR 4.1
Hello semua, ni aku nk promote virus remover favorite aku..
GVR aka Geek Virus Remover..
Byk function tambahan..boleh repair registry lagi..
GVR ni merupakan tool wajib bg aku klu nk buang virus..
Kalau nk tahu lebih lanjut sila refer kat site ni -->SINI<--
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | Labels: Tools | 0 Comments
Malam yg tidak terjangka..
Ptg khamis sampai je aku kat umah aku menerima panggilan dari ofis..
Aku di minta datang ke opis utk membantu rakan² utk menyiapakn lampiran H sekolah..
Sedar xsedar sampai ke pg jugak la buat kerja² tu..nak dijadikan ceritera pada pagi pkl 3.30 am
ijan call aku sbb dia pn ada join buat ot ritu(mcm xcaya je ijan wat ot)..Dia call sbb nk mintak tolong tolak keta.keta sape??ha itu saya xtahu..
So menolak la aku ,ijan dan wan..tolak punya tolak xble jgk..last² tuah dapat solution nk try tarukpetrol kat kaburator kete pny petrol jadi mangsa(sbb senang)..
Fuh sek baik hidup enjin kete dia..lega.pas 2 aku pulang kerumah mandi dan lena..penat..
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | Labels: mumbling | 32 Comments
TuneUp Utilities 2009
Aku nk share software best, TuneUp Utilities 2009..
Malas nk translate, rase lebih baik penerangan dalam BI..
Software ni sgt berguna utk menjaga kestabilan Windows korang..
Registry pn boleh direpair dgn lebih detail..
Fast, Effective Windows Optimization
- One-click overview of your PC performance
- Quick analysis of your PC’s hardware, operating system, and programs
- Real performance increases, real fast
- Easy-to-understand help functions
Safe Windows Optimization
- Provides you with safe and effective optimization results
- Corrects all mistakes created from previous tuning attempts
- Comprehensive and easy rollback ability for any changes made to your PC
Intelligent Windows Optimization Built in for Every PC
- Intelligent recommendations for your unique PC optimization
- Identifies your personal settings and protects them
- Highlights your PC’s optimization potential, including unused programs and resource-draining settings
- Recommends options and explains performance results before taking any action
Perfectly Designed for Your Windows Operating System
- Automatically detects and configures for your operating system
- Ideal for XP and Vista (32/64 bit) users
- Designed to leverage the unique features within each operating system
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | Labels: s0ftware | 0 Comments
Flash Disinfector
Friday, December 05, 2008 | Labels: Tools | 0 Comments
Firefox VS Avant
Salah satu sebab browsing internet mmg laju.pastu xda byk songeh..
Yg sedihnya, semalam seharian aku xdapat guna FF, nk kerja pn jd malas..
Try punya try tetap xboleh, berkali² aku install uninstall balik..
Tp kesudahannya hampa..aku terpaksa guna IE..
IE ni tau la berat skit..
Pagi ni aku browsing site
Aku terjumpe Internet browsing yg agak best..
Avant browser..aku kata agak best sbb aku pnh tgk Arip pakai,
Agak mudah, laju jgk..Tp adakah aku akan mula meminati Avant??
Aku masih teringatkn FF, sbb aku suka berkerja dgn FF..
Hmm..tapi apakn daya sbb kerja terpaksa jgk guna Avant ni..
korang ada pendapat lain selain guna Avant??
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 | Labels: s0ftware | 8 Comments
Butterfingers - Bebas
Enjit enjit semut siapa sakit naik atas
arus pemodenan kian deras
pastikan kita tak lemas
Enjit enjit semut siapa sakit naik atas
jangan ketinggalan nanti kita melepas
kita semua perlu tekad
Sampai bila dibelenggu
hidup tanpa ragu-ragu
tanah tumpahnya darahku
Enjit enjit semut siapa sakit naik atas
usah buang masa itu emas
lupakanlah yang dah lepas
Sampai bila dibelenggu
hidup tanpa ragu-ragu
tanah tumpahnya darahku
Biar apa pun terjadi
saya tetap disini
menghapuskan dilema ini
Enjit enjit semut siapa sakit naik atas
arus pemodenan kian deras
pastikan kita tak lemas
Kita semua perlu bebas ! (3x)
Monday, December 01, 2008 | Labels: Music Zone | 11 Comments
How About Them?
Contoh Soalan Psikometrik PTD12 hours ago
Pada Garis Takdir2 years ago
脱毛サロンにおけるアフターケア5 years ago
Hello Blog. Babai Facebook!10 years ago
Korban, Berkorban @ Terkorban..11 years ago
E-Cigarettes: The Bagga Brass V1.5 by Wu Tang11 years ago
Ulang tahun kelahiran...12 years ago
Ahad Yang Bosan...14 years ago
Selamat tinggal sayang.....15 years ago
Memencilkan diri...15 years ago
vBLOG Hot FM15 years ago
Disclaimer15 years ago
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- killr0yLive
- PJ, Selangor, Malaysia
- A true friend respects you for who you are.they won't expect you to change or do things differently just to please them..