Tag By Aum
RULE 1: You being TAG!!!; you GOTTA take it.
RULE 2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING
unless someone comment you and ask.
Q1: Like someone?
=> Yes..
Q2: Kissed someone?
=> Yes..
Q3: Been arrested?
=> Oh..no..
Q4: Been searched?
=> maybe..
Q5: You hate someone?
=> Yes
Q6: Been suspended from school?
=> No
Q7: Sat on a roof top?
=> No..
Q8: Broken a bone?
Q9: Have shaved your head?
=> Yes..
Q1 : Gym membership?
=> Yes..
Q2: Shot a gun?
=> No..
Q3: Donated Blood?
=> Many times..
1 You hang out with?
=> Zawani My olg skoolmate..
2 Last person that you texted?
=> Miego..
3 You were in a car with?
=> Ady and Wan..
4 Went to the mall with?
=> Ezabarina(report)..
5 Went to the restaurant with?
=> Zawani My olg skoolmate..
6 Person you talked on the phone with?
=> Norliza Bte Abd Rashid(my fiancé)
7 Person that called you?
=> Miego(reporting pc problem)..
9 You miss?
=> My family and my fiance
10 You hugged?
=> My pa n ma..
Which one?
1 Eat or drink?
=> Drink
2 Be serious or be funny?
=> Funny
3 Drink whole milk or skimmed milk?
=> Whole milk
4 Die in a fire or die getting shot?
=> Getting shot
5 Go to the bar or to the beach
=> Beach
1 Sun or moon?
=> moon
2 Winter or fall?
=> winter
3 Left or right?
=> Right
4 Black and white or colored?
=> Black n white
5 Where do you live?
=> PJ
6 Do you wanna get married?
=> Of course yes..
7 What is on your mind?
=> Pillow
1 Kissed someone?
=> No
2 Been hugged by someone?
=> No
3 Been teased by someone?
=> No
1 No
2 No!!
3 I said no!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How About Them?
Contoh Soalan Psikometrik PTD19 hours ago
Pada Garis Takdir2 years ago
脱毛サロンにおけるアフターケア5 years ago
Hello Blog. Babai Facebook!10 years ago
Korban, Berkorban @ Terkorban..11 years ago
E-Cigarettes: The Bagga Brass V1.5 by Wu Tang11 years ago
Ulang tahun kelahiran...12 years ago
Ahad Yang Bosan...14 years ago
Selamat tinggal sayang.....15 years ago
Memencilkan diri...15 years ago
vBLOG Hot FM15 years ago
Disclaimer15 years ago
My Allied
KillroyLive Chat Box
Killroy Think..
- killr0yLive
- PJ, Selangor, Malaysia
- A true friend respects you for who you are.they won't expect you to change or do things differently just to please them..
apa rasionalnya tagged by Aum nie ngan pix harimau manje tue ?? tak sesuai okeh... (tone kak engku)...
hahaha..haah..nape ada gmbr rimau lak??isk2..
hahaha harimau pn nk main tag jgk..2 nmpk pic dia kena tag gn member dia..
tue bukan kena tag la, tp kena gigit tue... hahaha...
Kenape Harimau??
iks aum ni mula nk merepek la ni...
tanye nape rimau lak dah..
biar aku tolong jawabkan...
sebab dia besar... gagah... kuat...
macam ayah... malaysia lagi... hikhikhik...
mesia ek??kuat ke mesia 2??bola pn klh teruk..hehehe
xpe kita tggu ady take over msia...
tue bola la bengong... nie harimau... mesti tak tengok iklan maybank nie...
lain x ko tulis la bhasa sarawak..bru kitak kenal..hehehe...
mana gamal !!! hehehe...
Aku tnye je...Tp korg anggap aku merepek..ape da...Cian kat aku..huhuhu
sape cian kat aum angkat tangan !!
erm.. tak nampak tangan sape pun lg nie... ekekee...
Yela kan...sape la aku nie...
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